Thursday, April 12, 2012


Welcome to the SolonDeer News Blog. As we hear news and interesting comments you will find them here. To have a comment considered for publication here, send it to SolonDeer at gmail dot com. The comment may be edited for clarity.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Perceptions of herd population may be inaccurate

Summary: For the first time the hunters are admitting several things we've said all along. The Ohio herd numbers they use to justify hunting may be "inaccurate", they are now saying that "contraception" or sharpshooting must be used in urban environments. They call contraception "costly" without comparing it to the reoccurring expense of hunting. They admit that the state population numbers have nothing to do with urban deer populations that they don't even count. And they admit they manipulate deer populations to keep the hunters happy.

Outdoors: Too many deer? Too few? Hard to answer

By Dave Golowenski
For The Columbus Dispatch Sunday February 19, 2012 7:49 AM

As noted last week, Ohio deer hunters took about 41,600 fewer whitetails during the 2011-12 season compared with the record 261,260 tagged in 2009-10. The harvest a year ago also was down.

News of the two-year drop — about 15.9 percent — has sparked numerous exchanges on deer forums on the Web. In the strictest sense, opinions run the entire gamut of A to B, to wit: The Ohio Division of Wildlife is at fault; the weather is to blame.

An apparent majority seems to think culpability rests mostly with the division; for example, its switch from check stations to electronic reporting of tagged deer. Then there are accusations that the division is working furtively at the behest of the insurance companies and the Ohio Farm Bureau to lower deer numbers. The wildlife biologists? They don’t seem to know — or care — what’s going on, some critics say.

One hunter, apparently writing in jest given the smiley faces on his post, suggested that maybe the solution lies with pitchforks and torches: “It’s time to make a plan and go get Tonkovich.”

Wildlife biologist Mike Tonkovich is charged with trying to figure out how to manage Ohio’s deer population in the best interests of all. That’s no easy task, given that hunters generally want more deer, but farmers and many urban/suburban dwellers generally want fewer.

The citizenry, which include farmers, urban dwellers and hunters, certainly aren’t blind. However, their view is restricted to the local landscape, which might hold many deer or might hold few. The number can fluctuate from year to year.

Meanwhile, the public hears reports about a growing herd that might indicate a runaway statewide deer population. Such awareness raises concerns among the whitetail-weary and makes hunters question whether the population estimates are reliable when they don’t see as many deer as they think they should.

Here’s the upshot: Tonkovich said not only is far too much emphasis placed on the estimated size of the statewide herd, but that estimate is next to meaningless when it comes to deer management.

The statewide estimate, he said, has “no bearing whatsoever on harvest regulations last year, this year or in the future. There’s not a statewide population goal. Unless my boss gets pressure, we’re not going to talk about (statewide) population anymore.”

Tonkovich manages deer by trying to work with a snapshot no larger than a single county. Simply put, deer are unequally distributed across a varied landscape, which explains in part why an island of two central Ohio counties, Fayette and Madison, will be included next year in the most restricted harvest zone. (The restricted zone, by the way, has over the years shrunk to only four other contiguous counties along Lake Erie in northwest Ohio.)

What makes Fayette and Madison different from surrounding counties is the ease with which hunters can wipe out deer. Two-acre woodlots sprouting amid a mostly agricultural expanse offer deer meager opportunities to avoid hunters.

“Five hunters easily can eradicate all the deer in a stand of trees,” Tonkovich said.

Hunting being the “most significant source of mortality,” he said, means that cutting the season harvest limit is the only cost-effective way to keep numbers at a level that satisfies hunters and doesn’t impose too heavily on farmers. Increasing the limits would have an inverse effect over time.

People annoyed by browsing wild animals on their piece of urban landscape, whether focused on deer sharing roadways or dining in their flowerbeds, often have the impression that the state is overrun with deer. The urban population, though, has never been counted in the state herd estimates. That’s because residential whitetails represent deer that are generally out of the reach of hunters and, therefore, wildlife managers.

“The urban populations are expanding, and they are waiting for no one,” Tonkovich said. “And we can’t touch them. Using automobiles to manage them is not an option.”

Ultimately, the control of nuisance neighborhood deer, he said, likely will require a costly program of contraception, which requires injecting individual deer, or the costly and, to some, unsavory hiring of sharpshooters to knock down the numbers.

As for the overall deer population, Tonkovich described the situation as somewhat “static.” He said he isn’t certain what’s behind the harvest decline of the past two years, although some signs point to fewer deer in counties where populations have tended to run high.

There is, though, a hitch in that assumption.

The models used to determine deer numbers are based on the annual harvest. What remains an unknown, however, is hunter effort. People are either spending a little time to fill a tag or a lot of time to do so. If hunters are giving up before they get a deer because of weather, lack of tenacity or any other reason, the decline in harvest might not be an indication that the deer numbers have fallen.

The division mailed more than 20,000 surveys and emailed another 16,000 to deer hunters in an attempt to get a handle on the effort factor in the deer-harvest equation. However, Tonkovich said the lack of response makes drawing conclusions sketchy and difficult.

Taking several minutes to fill out a survey and returning it in a timely manner, Tonkovich said, can help the division determine the missing piece that indicates whether regulations need to be tightened or loosened in a county. Based on harvest numbers alone, it’s possible that population estimates can lag behind by several years before the true deer numbers become apparent.

“If a hunter wants to make a difference, that’s where a hunter can make a difference,” he said. “ The thing we don’t know is effort. What we don’t know is whether people are hunting less because there are fewer deer. Or, are they just hunting less, and so it seems like there are fewer deer.

What Tonkovich does know is that the number of purchased deer permits decreased during the most recent season by 4 percent after having fallen about 5 percent the previous year. That could be part of the reason for the drop in harvests, but the kill dropped considerably more than did permit sales.

By the numbers

Ohio deer kill totals over the past five seasons, according to the Ohio Division of Wildlife (the 2009-10 kill of 261,260 is the state record):

Year   Total  Gun  Archery  Muzzle  Other  Cosh
 2007-08  232,854  121,183  78,639  22,329  10,703  8,417
 2008-09  252,017  134,231  85,856  21,532  10,398  9,564
 2009-10  261,260  134,130  91,546  25,497  10,087  9,633
 2010-11  239,379  127,157  85,012  17,887  9,323  8,837
 2011-12  219,698  107,048  84,350  19,251  9,049  7,969

The last column is the largest hunting county, consistently Coshocton (over 100 mi south of Solon). ODNR encourages "urban hunting program" for the convenience of "sport hunting" and the license revenue it produces in this declining market.

See the full article here.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Still Waiting

"Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot."

-- Mark Twain

  • Still waiting for the comprehensive part of the "Comprehensive Deer Management Plan".
  • Still waiting for an explanation why Solon Taxpayers are picking up the entire tab on the State's "deer problem".
  • Still waiting to hear why non-lethal methods were included in the City's deer management plan and then dismissed as ineffective at subsequent meetings.

Smoke and mirrors? Or just a failure of imagination.

"I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the "lower animals" (so called) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result humiliating to me."

-- Mark Twain

Heinz Knall commenting on Interactive Map of Deer Culling Sites: Are They Shooting Near You? article  10:29 am on Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Culling Delayed, expected Feb 1st

Solon deer culling could begin before Feb. 1

SOLON - Although the city’s reactivated deer culling program had not gotten underway yet, the manager of the program said earlier this week he expected sharpshooting could begin before Feb. 1.

“Right now, that’s depending on the weather conditions,” said David Hromco, manager of the city’s program. “The program does work a little better when there’s snow, as long as there’s not too much.”

Wind conditions are also a factor in getting the program off the ground, said Hromco, who set up the initial program using sharpshooters from a private contractor beginning in 2004 and continuing through 2009.

See full story in the Solon Sun

Feb Update:

Deer culling efforts began in Solon this week and are expected to continue into March.

The shooters are using different rifles than in past efforts, and that the gunshots are louder. It's possible that residents will hear gunshots.

He said that any residents with concerns can call the city's Public Works line at 440-337-1340.

NOTE: Typically you should call the police if you hear gunshots. You may want to do that if you hear shots from an area not listed as a kill site. We'd also be very interested if you discover a new kill site, please let us know at .

See full story in the Solon Patch

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Killing to Start Jan 23rd

This post will show news items related to the start of killing...

On Fox News,0,834893.story


Deer Culling to Begin Soon in Solon

Sharpshooters with the U.S. Department of Agriculture are preparing sites for shooting and could begin on Jan. 23.
See the article in the Patch here.

Poll: Do You Feel Safe With Deer Culling in Solon?

Take the Patch Poll and tell us how you feel about deer culling in Solon. And then head down to the comments and tell us why you feel the way you do.

Check back for more news stories this week

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sharing Costs?

Another parody of the city's deer culling activity

5058.1. Asking neighboring cities to help pay for culling...
by solonjoe3, 01/17/12 10:30 AM
Re: Serious response regarding Deer Killing... by bystander75, 01/17/12 10:30 AM

Mayor Drucker: Maria, can you get me the mayor of Bentleyville on the line?

Maria: Bentleyville?

Mayor Drucker: Yeah, it’s a city north of us, remember.

Maria: oh, ok.

[Five minutes pass]

Mayor Drucker: Maria, how’s that call coming?

Maria: Sally hid the phone books so I’m looking it up on one of the internets.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Deer coordination teleconference?

A parody of the city's deer culling activity

5056. Deer coordination teleconference?
by solonjoe3, 01/16/12 1:21 PM

Phone system: Stolarsky has joined the conference.

Russo: Ok, let’s get started. It’s already past the time.

Phone system: Stolarsky has left the conference.

Russo: He’ll have to catch up. Let’s start by looking at the maps for Ward I. You should have a ward one map on the screen.

Meany: I don’t see a map.

Russo: What do you see?

Meany: Wait it second…. I think it’s asking me if I want to let Cisco meeting center software run my computer. What should I do?

Russo: Click “yes.” Ok, we’ll continue on. You can see on the map that we have 8 culling sites in ward 1.

Phone system: Stolarsky has joined the conference.

Russo: We don’t quite have the coverage we’d like in the eastern side of the ward but….

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stanek Retires, Hromco will return to manage deer culling

Public Works Commissioner Jim Stanek Retires Suddenly

Stanek, who oversaw a number of departments and was with the city for more than three decades, retired suddenly earlier this month.

Kraus said Mayor Susan Drucker will have an important decision to make in replacing Stanek, who oversaw the service, engineering and water reclaimation departments.

Stanek was also the city's leader in handling its deer culling project. Kraus said finding the right person to manage that task will be important.

See Solon Patch article here.

Solon's Public Works Director resigns; Dave Hromco returns for deer culling program

Following the abrupt retirement of Public Works Commissioner Jim Stanek, city officials plan to appoint his retired assistant, David Hromco, to oversee the deer management program that will be reactivated this year.

Hromco was instrumental in devising the city's original deer culling plan in 2004-05, when a private contractor, White Buffalo Inc. was employed until the end of 2009, when the program was abandoned.

Formal action is expected at the Tuesday (Jan. 17) City Council meeting.

See Solon Sun article here.


Solon To Pay Temporary Deer Culling Manager As Much As $6,000

David Hromco, who is returning from retirement temporarily to manage Solon's deer culling this winter, will earn $40 per hour.
The contract with Hromco was approved by city council this week. It runs through March 31, and maxes out at 150 hours. So the most Hromco can earn on the job is $6,000.
Hromco will also be issued a city cell phone and have access, if needed, to a city vehicle.
See Solon Patch article here.

Mayor: David Hromco Right Man for Deer Culling Manager

In the wake of Jim Stanek's retirement, the city will bring retired employee David Hromco back to manage the deer culling program.

See Solon Patch article here.